How to increase customer engagement through e-mails?

Low levels of engagement with your customers in email campaigns can be demotivating and can make it difficult to plan them. And despite the great opportunities offered by social media and SMS marketing for example, still a large number of organisations rely on email marketing to inform, engage and involve their audience.

And just for you, we’ve put together 5 tips on how to effectively engage with newsletter subscribers.

Identify users that don’t open your newsletters

Find out from your email statistics how many of your subscribers don’t open your regular mailings. For example, select a list of users who haven’t opened a single one of your emails in six months and send a campaign to them informing them that they haven’t taken action in a long time and, if they’re interested in receiving more engaging newsletters, to click on the CTAs listed. This click-through allows you to see in the statistics who is still interested and who is not. Export subscribers who have not taken any action from your database so they don’t take up space unnecessarily.

Be even more personal

Your subscribers play a vital role in how successful your campaign will be. Let them know how much you value them and how much you care about them. Don’t be afraid to use emotion to make a deeper connection. Many of your subscribers are likely to respond to your message because they will know that a real person is communicating with them.

Encourage your customers

If you offer an exclusive promotion as part of your business, let your customers know about it. Include what it is in the subject line of the email to encourage potential customers to open the newsletter itself. You can use the incentives not only to promote your chosen event, but also to get feedback that your business will definitely appreciate.

Adjust the time and frequency of email campaigns

You may be sending too many (or too few) newsletters. Some of your emails may not be relevant or enticing enough for a user to open. So, as part of your testing, try adjusting the time and frequency of your emails based on your subscriber engagement.

Use “cross” promotions on different channels

As good “marketers”, you know how important it is to use “cross-promotion” on different communication channels or social networks. What one user sees on Linkedin may not be the same as what someone else sees on your organisation’s Facebook page. The same can be said for email. If you want to re-engage existing subscribers (and engage new ones!), you need to link your emails to SMS messages as well. By creating an SMS message that goes out to customers in combination with an email, you have a powerful communication channel. With a 98% open rate for SMS, it’s almost mandatory to use this channel. By cross-promoting email campaigns that go hand-in-hand with SMS messages, you can encourage your supporters to take action very effectively.

Getting customers to reconnect is always a big problem. While it’s not always possible to attract everyone back, the tips above can help you get as many subscribers back as possible, improving your email deliverability and open rates. Try our Reago app through which you can reach your customers not only through professional-looking emails, but also just SMS messages. You can try out the above tips very easily from one platform.

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