8 most common reasons for unsubscribing from the newsletter and how to avoid them?

In our article, we will look at the most common reasons why people unsubscribe from your newsletter and how to prevent them from doing so.

They don’t remember signing up for your newsletter

One of the most common reasons that lead to unsubscribes is that recipients don’t remember knowingly signing up for your database. This problem usually arises in those cases where companies automatically sign up subscribers to their newsletter by, for example, completing an order.

In this case, the double opt-in feature works great in which it is absolutely clear that the user actually wants to subscribe to the mailing.

Newsletters are sent very often

Another factor that leads to users unsubscribing is that you send them too many newsletters or, conversely, too few. Up to 55% of consumers mentioned that they are overwhelmed with emails.

It’s important to maintain an optimal balance, but how?

Start by evaluating your email campaign data. Find out what your open rates, click-through rates, unsubscribe rates, etc. are. This information will help you to estimate when to send your newsletter, what length of message to choose, or even what segment a message is working for.

Email is not displayed correctly to users

Over 80% of users view email on a mobile device and only 20% of email campaigns are optimized specifically for mobile. Your potential customer may be so disappointed that their email doesn’t display correctly.

Therefore, before each mailing, test that the newsletter displays correctly on your computer as well as on your mobile and tablet. At the same time, we recommend testing the display of the email template in different types of email clients (list.cz, gmail.com, …). Thanks to these tests, you can easily reduce the likelihood of unsubscribing.

The newsletter is not clear

If your newsletter is cluttered or even outdated, many subscribers may be discouraged and unsubscribe.

How can you prevent this? Structure your newsletter well. Work with a font that reads well, use paragraphs, headings, bullet points, quality images and a clear prominent CTA button. Last but not least, don’t forget to keep a consistent visual style with your brand.

Newsletter messaging is not interesting

One of the primary reasons for unsubscribing is that the content is not interesting to the end subscribers. As many as 60% of users report that they unsubscribe from newsletters because they no longer find the newsletter attractive or beneficial.

Seek feedback through various surveys, social media communications, etc. and find out what subscribers would be interested in within the content sent out through newsletters. Evaluate the information and implement interesting content into regular newsletters.

You’re pushing subscribers to buy too much

Your subscribers will also be put off by the fact that you only send out sales newsletters. According to research, up to 70% of subscribers unsubscribe because they are sent too many promotional newsletters.

Send out content that will balance. Use the 80:20 rule to do this, where 80% of your mailings will contain interesting and valuable content and 20% will contain services or products to buy. By doing this, you’ll be building trust with your potential customers.

Your email may look like SPAM

The way your email looks may give some subscribers the impression that it is SPAM. It may contain too many images, or capital letters, exclamation points, etc. At the same time, the subject line will also be misleading, or even the email message will not contain an unsubscribe element in the footer.

Being flagged as SPAM by the subscriber can have a big impact on the deliverability of your newsletters. And how to prevent this?

Make sure that the email and sender name are easily recognizable and trustworthy to the subscriber. At the same time, work with a clear design of the newsletter body. In this case, simplicity really is beauty. Also regularly clean your contact list and remove those users who no longer want to receive your newsletters. And last but not least, have an unsubscribe link in every email. It is your legal obligation.


We hope that our tips have helped you and that they will prevent you from unsubscribing your subscribers from newsletter campaigns in bulk. In addition, you can use professional-looking newsletters for free in the Reago app that are optimized for all browsers.

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